Top 22 Ethical Essay Topic Suggestions For College Students

Talking about topic suggestions for your ethical essay, when it comes to ethical studies, it is something that has come to stay and most students really enjoy the classes. In order to test how well you are progressing in your study of ethics, your tutor has assigned you to write a paper on any topic of your choice. This is an area you are not very good at – choosing your own topic. However, if you have a unique way of looking at the issue of ethics and morality, you will get a lot of inspirations from your immediate environment. Should you not have enough time to brainstorm on possible topics for your ethical essay, here are some interesting concepts that can make great topics. They are as follows:

  • Should there be mandatory execution of violent offenders with zero rehabilitation chances?
  • Should there be legalization of prostitution?
  • Should citizens be allowed the right to take their own lives?
  • Should corporal punishments be encouraged in households?
  • Rich countries should be under obligation to revitalize the economies of struggling countries
  • Should there be a colonization of other planets?
  • Should the right to consumption of hallucinogens be passed into law?
  • Should there be legal penalties for parents of avoidable obese children?
  • Should immigrants be allowed to practice their culture in a new land?
  • What ethical measures can be taken to effectively regulate population growth in a given society?
  • Should there be a ban on hunting for entertainment?
  • Should western education be made compulsory globally?
  • Should abortion be passed into law as a means of curbing over-population?
  • Should there be a ban on policies that make one culture seem superior to another?
  • Should a mentally sick person have the right to decide not to go into asylum?

These are some of the topics that can spark interest when chosen for your ethical essay. Depending on your thoughts or ideas, you can choose to write for or against any of the topics listed above. In some cases, these topics can even inspire you into writing on any other topic that is not listed here. Ethics and morality will always draw the attention of the high and low and it is left to you to either defend or object to the motions. Have fun writing your academic ethical paper on any interesting topics, whether picked from here or from your own inspirations.