A List Of Persuasive Essay Topics On Current Events In Ukraine

Current events in Ukraine include a number of issues and concerns that not only affect its citizens, but people around the world. The country has a number of problems it is facing including possible terrorism connections and financial concerns having experts questioning how strong their government is and how long it will hold up with rising tensions. The country has issues within its borders but neighboring areas such as Russia also has problems the Ukraine citizens hope can be resolved without going to war.

Finding Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas through Current Events

Becoming familiar with the area and its events will help you understand possible persuasive essay topics. You should review potential essay issues that affect Ukraine currently and get a perspective on what elements can be persuaded among others. Your essay can focus on elements that make your thesis statement true or possible. You need to determine what evidence you can collect that will help you form element of persuasion for readers.

Use a variety of sources to help you learn about current events. You can use the internet but broaden your search with the use of multiple reputable sources. Use sources that provide updated information as there are events that change as time goes on. You can consider ideas with effects on the citizens that may change how they live or perceive an idea. Your essay can also highlight reasons for conflict and possible solutions.

10 Potential Ideas to Help You Develop Your Own

Developing essay ideas from current events can be a little tricky. Some events are in progress but their outcome may not be determined for years. Here are 10 ideas to consider for your essay.

  1. How to prevent the country from going to war.
  2. Why people of Ukraine should support neutrality between Russia and European Union.
  3. Who is to blame for crisis in Ukraine?
  4. Should the United States assist Ukraine if they decide to go to war?
  5. Violence in the country continues to be a problem despite decrease in activity.
  6. Coal mining regulations need to be reviewed.
  7. The country is suffering a lot more than the world realizes.
  8. Ukraine should go to war to solve its problems.
  9. Ukraine and Russia have relation issues because of trade policies.
  10. Ukraine economy may collapse if financial interest rates continue to climb.
