Choosing Winning Argumentative Essay Topics: 15 Good Ideas

Argumentative essays flush on a twinkle in many a student’s eye. Pat they get the chance to take a topic to the cleaners, tear it to smithereens and present it in a mold of their desire. It is interesting how the same topic takes a different shape in the hands of different writers.

Mode of liberation

You should mark the essay topic not as an assignment but a way towards liberation. It is a road map towards expression of your perspective in a no-holds-barred manner. You can contend and convince the readers about the side you take without actually being conscientious.

Pick relevant topics

It is almost your duty to pick out relevant topics as it is to gather due knowledge about the same. Do not shoot in the dark; first learn about the nuances of the topic and where it should lead. Be assertive about the side you take and give due deference to the other side as well. An argumentative essay is a piece of balance.

Enlighten readers

Your essay should have a deft and firm conclusion, leaving no space for confusion. The readers should take vital information and an assurance from your piece of writing. They should feel they have gathered decent knowledge of the genre which you have touched with your pen.

The topics may appear commonplace or uncomplicated, but that does not mean your handling of the topic should be frivolous. Meanwhile, here are 15 argumentative essay topics for your reference

  1. 1. Skyscrapers have instilled ‘box mentality’ among residents
  2. 2. Football is one of the causes behind the rising aggression on the planet
  3. 3. Having chocolates is the closest feeling to having sex
  4. 4. Women should be given a superior position in society than men
  5. 5. There should be an intrinsic connection between Politics and Church
  6. 6. Backward African countries should again be taken over by colonial powers
  7. 7. There should be a gross decrease in Defense expenditure on a global scale
  8. 8. Extraction from the Himalayas should not be country-restricted for the greater cause of global warming
  9. 9. Close relatives of mass murderers should be made to feel the pain as well
  10. 10. Large enterprises should be accorded heavy tax leverages so that they can improve the economy
  11. 11. Miss Universe contest glorifies women, not objectifies them
  12. 12. Processed food should be left to the choice of eaters and not banned
  13. 13. Paper usage should be grossly restricted owing to its contribution to deforestation
  14. 14. Censorship should be revoked or at least restricted to a back seat
  15. 15. An argumentative essay on net neutrality
