How To Write My Essay: 7 Tips To Help You Impress The Reader

What does it take to write the “A” essay?

  • The student’s topic has to be a little controversial, intriguing, and grab the ideal audience attention immediately.
  • The student has to ensure that the topic picked will be easy to research and write about.
  • The subject matter must have enough materials, books, periodicals, journals, sources, resources, etc. on it.
  • It is better to have a lot of information on the topic than not enough information.
  • Any student should know to have at least three backup topics just in case the first one is not feasible.
  • Preliminary outlines and preliminary research of potential subjects will ensure that the student does not spend too much time on a particular one.
  • The preliminary research will allow the student enough time to switch topics if have to do so.
  • The student must do much research on the subject and then put all research notes into a great outline.
  • The outline will help the student with the writing process of the essay.
  • The student should do at least two rough drafts of the paper before working on the finalized copy.
  • All copies of the writing assignment need to be checked for possible issues, problems or errors.
  • All errors must be corrected in the finalized copy before giving it to the instructor for grading.

Seven tips to use to impress the reader of your essay:

  • Tip #1: The selected subject matter has to have the “wow” factor for the reader.
  • Tip #2: Write the essay on a subject matter that is current and trendy in the news and social media.
  • Tip #3: It may be advisable to do a survey among friends and classmates to find out what world issues are really important to them.
  • Tip #4: The writer should put themselves in the shoes of their reader when writing the paper.
  • Tip #5: The student should always keep their audience in mind throughout the writing process of the term paper.
  • Tip #6: It is always good to have someone read the essay, before turning it in, to get their opinion on it.
  • Tip #7: The writing assignment should not be written in first person, but in the third person.

It is always important to have an understanding of what the targeted audience likes to read about. This is important no matter what type of paper is being written.
